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Responsibility for generations: BASE brings repository search to the classroom

A simulation game for participation, teaching materials for the search for a repository and multimedia information: The BASE helps to bring schoolchildren closer to the topic of the search for a repository.

Author of the message: BASE

27,000 cubic metres of high-level radioactive waste must be emplaced underground to permanently protect people and the environment from dangerous radiation. We are taking responsibility for all future generations today. The issue of finding a repository primarily affects those who are young today.

That is why the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) supports teachers in educating their pupils about the repository search. To this end, BASE is constantly developing multimedia information and educational offers, and provides teachers with technical expertise on questions relating to participation and the search for a repository.

„Bürgerdialog Mitthausen“ – simulation game makes participation tangible

Our region as a potential repository site - how do we behave, do we want to get involved, what is important to us? In the simulation game "Bürgerdialog Mitthausen" (Citizens' Dialogue Middle Fritham), young people from grade 9 onwards take on the roles of citizens and stakeholders in the repository search.

Teachers can download the game materials from the repository search information platform. The materials also include an accompanying handout with explanations on how to play the game. The simulation game is currently being used in schools throughout Germany - BASE is happy to receive feedback on the game at

Teaching materials on the search for a repository

The search for a repository is the topic of the month on the "Umwelt im Unterricht" education portal of the Federal Environment Ministry (BMUV). The topics of repository search and participation are suitable for interdisciplinary learning, ranging from nuclear physics and radioactivity to questions of responsibility, political participation and democracy.

The materials contain a compact teaching unit for primary and secondary schools. This includes background texts, a didactic commentary, teaching suggestions as well as materials for primary and secondary schools, with two different levels of difficulty each. The teaching unit on the repository search was developed by the BMUV together with BASE.

The BASE at didacta

BASE will be present at the central education fair didacta in Stuttgart from 7 to 11 March 2023, to provide information for teachers and other multipliers in educational work. Find out how the topic of the repository search can be integrated into your classes, and how BASE can support you in this.

The game materials for the simulation game will be available at the BASE stand. Whether you are planning a field trip or a project week, a simulation game, a (digital) lecture, or want expert advice - feel free to contact us: At didacta in Hall 7 a, Stand 7A12, or at