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Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, who again is represented by the President of the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management, Wegelystraße 8, 10623 Berlin, Germany

1. Responsible for the content

Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management
(Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung, BASE)
Participation department
Ina Stelljes

Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management
Wegelystraße 8
10623 Berlin

Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management
Telephone: +49 (0)30 1843210
Homepage: Federal Office for the Saftey of Nuclear Waste Management

2. Contents provided

Under, in accordance with 6 StandAG, the relevant documents of the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management and of the developer according to § 10 of the Environmental Information Act are continuously made available to the public in a document database. The essential documents include in particular expert opinions, statements, data collections and reports. In addition, you will find further information and content on the search for a repository for highly radioactive waste in Germany on the platform.

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As far as the contents provided on these pages contain legal provisions, official notices, recommendations, or other types of advice, such information has been created to the best of our knowledge and with the utmost accuracy. In case of discrepancies, however, solely the current official version as published in the official publication medium shall apply. Possible legal references, recommendations, and other types of information are not binding; BASE does not provide legal advice.

The following limitation of liability shall apply to the information provided:

  • Users may access and use these pages at their own risk. BASE shall not be liable for the accuracy, completeness, currentness, comprehensibility and continuous availability of the contents provided. Bylined articles express the author’s opinion and are not necessarily in line with the publisher’s opinion.
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7. Note on access to electronic communication pursuant to § 3a para. 1 Administrative Procedure Act

Regarding the transfer of electronic documents, even if they have been provided with a qualified electronic signature, the access to this federal authority's electronic communication is only declared for the email address pursuant to § 3a para. 1 Administrative Procedure Act.

Stand: 17.06.2021