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Englisch glossary

Here you will find all words with attached explanations of meaning


Process, circumstance or state of which with sufficient probability a damage can result to man, the environment or other assets to be protected.

daughter radionuclide

The nuclide generating during radioactive decay. It can be radioactive itself; it will then have its own characteristic radiation and half-life.

decay heat

Heat in a nuclear reactor produced after the reactor has been shut down, due to the decay of radioactive fission products. In the first seconds following a shut-down, the decay heat is still about 5 per cent of the output before shut-down.


All measures following the final shut-down of a nuclear facility with the objective of the facility's safe enclosure or dismantling


Removal or reduction of radioactive contamination.


Demography (Greek demos = people, graphein = write) is a science investigating the state and the development of the population on a statistical level. Demographic features are (objective) characteristics of persons of a social and economic kind, such as e. g. gender, age, profession, income, education, household size, social affiliation, religious affiliation, place of residence, size of the place of residence.

design earthquake

Earthquake of the greatest possible intensity for the site that occurred in the past, taking into account the immediate vicinity of the site.

design incident

Incident in accordance with § 49 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance.


Deterministic radiation damages have a threshold dose value under which the effect does not occur. If the threshold dose is exceeded, the severity of the effect increases with increasing dose. Examples for deterministic effects are skin erythema and epilation.


Funnel-shaped pipe serving to gradually delay the flow velocity of the exhaust air, in order to prevent it from swirling and thus to prevent flow losses.


Forums of communication oriented towards understanding, where in view of a joint gaining of findings or decision-making, arguments are investigated according to determined rules regarding their claim of importance and without credit to the person and his/her status.


Disposal is the safe, temporally sufficient isolation of harmful substances from the biosphere. Within the scope of disposal of radioactive waste the radioactive substances have to be kept away from the "biosphere" by a multi-barrier system. The required time frame to be observed results from the "half-lives" of the waste to be disposed of and the resulting potential danger.


Systematic compilation of documents.


Dose is a measure for radiation effects. See also absorbed dose, organ dose, effective dose.

dose equivalent

Product of absorbed dose at a point in ICRU-soft tissue and the quality factor Q, considering the relative biological effectiveness of different types of radiation. The dose equivalent is the measured quantity for biological effects of ionising radiation on man. Its unit is J/kg with the special name Sievert (Sv). 1 µSv = Microsievert is the millionth part of Sievert. 1 mSv = Millisievert is the thousandth part of Sievert.

dose rate

Quotient of dose and time.


dosimeter: Personal dosimeter; a measuring device to determine the individual radiation exposure due to ionising radiation or electromagnetic fields.

draw off

Remove installations and supports from a decommissioned mine.