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Englisch glossary

Here you will find all words with attached explanations of meaning

hearing date

A hearing date has a legally enshrined function as part of a planning approval procedure. Its aim and purpose are to discuss any objections raised against a project.

heat-generating radioactive waste

Heat-generating radioactive waste covers both high-level and some intermediate-level waste. This particularly includes vitrified waste from reprocessing spent fuel elements and the fuel elements themselves. This category of waste has both a high concentration of activity and emits high temperatures.

high-level radioactive waste

High-level radioactive waste mainly comes from spent fuel elements, which were used in nuclear power stations or in research reactors. Spent fuel elements emit much more radiation than unused ones because of the fission products that they contain.

host rock

The rock for disposing of radioactive waste.

Human Interference Task Force

In 1981, this American working group (Human Interference Task Force, HITF) looked at possible warnings about long-term nuclear waste.