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Englisch glossary

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Electrically neutral elementary particle. Neutrons are modules of the atomic nucleus and are released with nuclear fission.

neutron activation analysis

The neutron activation analysis (NAA) is a highly sensitive method to identify and quantify the (trace) elements in various materials.

For this purpose a sample is irradiated with thermal neutrons. The irradiated nuclei can catch a neutron, thus they become activated, i.e. transforming it into a radioactive nuclide. When this nuclide decays, gamma radiation occurs, which has a specific energy for each radionuclide.

This gamma radiation can then be allocated to a certain (trace) element, similar to a finger print of a specific person.

nuclear facility/nuclear installation

Facilities for the fission of nuclear fuels and facilities and installations for nuclear fuel supply and waste management.

nuclear fission

Fission of heavy atomic nuclei by bombardment with neutrons, thus releasing large amounts of energy. With nuclear fission two nuclei of the same size are generated, the radioactive fission products. Besides new neutrons are released which can trigger further nuclear fissions. Nuclear fission can also occur spontaneously, i. e. without excitation from outside.

nuclear fuel

Fissile materials: uranium-based as a metal, alloy or chemical compound (including natural uranium) or plutonium-based as a metal, alloy or chemical compound.

nuclear power station

Thermal power stations, mainly used for power generation, where the nuclear binding energy released by splitting the atom in a reactor is converted into heat and then into electrical energy using a water/steam cycle involving a turbine and generator.

nuclear waste

Radioactive substances within the meaning of Section 2 (1) of the Atomic Energy Act that must be disposed of in an orderly manner pursuant to Section 9a of the Atomic Energy Act.