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Englisch glossary

Here you will find all words with attached explanations of meaning

potential paths

Potential paths underground involve existing geological faults, crevices, networks of crevices and any fracture systems, along which fluids (liquids and gases) can flow.

pressurised water reactor

Power reactor where the heat is discharged from inside the reactor (so-called reactor core) via water which is under high pressure (about 160 bar). Thus boiling is avoided inside the reactor core and simultaneously a high water temperature is achieved in the reactor circuit (so-called primary coolant circuit).

The coolant of the primary coolant circuit gives off its heat in a steam generator to the water of the secondary coolant circuit. The steam generated in this way drives the turbine and the generator to generate electrical current.

(German: Druckwasserreaktor - DWR)

public hearing

A public hearing has a statutory function within the framework of a planning approval procedure. The object and purpose is to discuss the objections raised against a project.

public participation

The search for a disposal site for high-level radioactive waste is a task for society as a whole. One of the central pillars in the search process is therefore to involve the public. The goal of ensuring that the general public accept the permanently safe disposal of the extremely dangerous nuclear substances can only be guaranteed if the affected regions are heard and involved in the process.