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Information for neighbouring countries

BASE is using this webpage to provide a brief summary of the procedure and outline the most important stakeholders and cross-border involvement opportunities for representatives from Germany's neighbouring countries.

Das Bild zeigt mehrere Fahnenmasten verschiedener Länder hintereinander aufgereiht.

The procedure

The site selection process commences with a 'blank map'. This means that all German federal states and all regions are included in the search. The process involves the exclusion, evaluation and comparison of potential sites until the repository site with the best possible safety is identified.

The road to the final repository in 3 steps.

The process is currently in Phase 1. In September 2020, the company in charge of the search, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE), published an interim report on sub-areas, providing an initial status of its work. The public was invited to discuss the content of the report at three consultation meetings held as part of the sub-areas conference. The results of these meetings were submitted to the BGE. The BGE must incorporate the results of the consultation into its future work. 2024, BGE started to publish preliminary progress reports annually until the proposal for site regions is submitted. Further information on the current status of the procedure can be found here.

The stakeholders in the site selection process.

The German parliament

The German parliament

The German parliament debates and decides at the end of each phase how to proceed with the search for a disposal site. It makes its final decision about the disposal site on the basis of technical recommendations.


The Federal Ministry for the Environment

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMUV) bears the political responsibility. It is the technical and legal supervisory body for the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) and the sole shareholder of the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (BGE).


The Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management

The Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) is the control and supervisory body in the search for a disposal site, i.e. it ensures that the search procedure proceeds in the way stipulated by the law. It assesses the suggestions and exploration results provided by BGE and organises public participation.


The Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal

The Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (BGE mbH) is responsible for specifically implementing the site selection procedure. The company has requested the necessary geological data and information from the responsible authorities all over Germany and is assessing this according to criteria and requirements laid down in law.

The National Citizens’ Oversight Committee

The National Citizens’ Oversight Committee

The National Citizens’ Oversight Committee (NBG) has the task of accompanying the site selection procedure for high-level radioactive waste in an independent, transparent and comprehensible manner. It mediates between those involved in the search and the general public. The NBG is composed of well-known personalities from public life and members of the public, who have been asked at random and then selected from this group.

Public participation in the site selection procedure

Public participation in the site selection procedure is a fundamental aspect of ensuring the transparency and traceability of the search for a repository site. In light of the above, the legislator has defined extensive opportunities for citizen participation, which BASE is responsible for implementing. By way of illustration, the Site Selection Act provides for a variety of committees and formats throughout the entire procedure, through which citizens can participate continuously in the search for a repository site. No other infrastructure project in Germany offers such comprehensive opportunities for public participation.

Participation opportunities for neighbouring countries

The site selection procedure also allows neighbouring countries to participate. In particular, the establishment of the Regional Conferences at the conclusion of Phase 1 marks the beginning of these opportunities. The Regional Conferences represent the most significant participatory element of the Site Selection Procedure.

Regional conferences

Furthermore, representatives from Germany's neighbouring countries will have the opportunity to participate in the comments procedures and hearings that will take place when the proposal for the site regions to be explored above ground at the end of Phase 1, for the proposal for the sites to be explored below ground at the end of Phase 2 and, finally, for the proposed site.

On-Site Information

On request, BASE takes part in information and dialog events organized by cities, districts and municipalities to provide information on the status of the process and opportunities for participation – also across borders. For questions and information, please contact BASE at

Upcoming Participation Opportunities

In the period leading up to the Regional Conferences, representatives of civil society have collaborated with BASE to develop a new concept for participation. The concept comprises two closely interlinked elements of participation until the regional conferences commence: The Repository Search Forum and the Repository Search Forum Planning Team. The two participatory instruments are designed to work in conjunction with one another, with the objective of facilitating comprehensive monitoring of the BGE's progress and transparent communication with the public.

Upcoming Participation Opportunities