Public participation
Public participation is a precondition for a transparent and successful search for a repository site for high-level radioactive waste. The affected region will only tolerate the site that has been identified if the procedure is transparent, all the objections have been heard and the decision is comprehensible.

The Site Selection Act envisages various committees and conferences during the course of the process, where citizens, experts and representatives of local communities can contribute to the selection process. BASE and the other statutory organisations in the search process can also offer additional dialogue and information services beyond what is laid down in the law.
Far-reaching participation opportunities

The Site Selection Act establishes far-reaching formal participation opportunities for the public. They include the sub-areas conference, the regional conferences and the Council of the Regions Conference. Commenting procedures and discussion meetings are also envisaged for each phase of the process. BASE and BGE mbH must proactively publish all the major documents associated with the process (according to Section 6 of the Site Selection Act). BASE must initiate committees and participation formats envisaged by the law. Broad participation, however, thrives on the commitment of all those involved in the process. As a result, BASE is obliged according to the provisions in the act to convene the sub-areas conference. Once it has been convened, however, the conference works independently and decides on the organisation and content of the meetings by itself.
Elected parliamentary representatives to make the decision about the site
There is no other comparable infrastructure project in Germany, where such extensive participation opportunities are provided for the public. However, the elected representatives of the German parliament will make the final decision about the location of the repository site.
Participation in the initial phase of the search for a repository site
BASE has been providing numerous opportunities for the public to gain information and participate since the start of the new search procedure in 2017 and they go beyond the statutory requirements.
Online consultation facilities, the Status Conference on Repository, workshops for youth participation, the citizens conference or digital dialogue services prior to the sub-areas conference are all part of this so-called “informal” participation.
Participation formats
Sub-areas conference
Regional conferences
The Council of the Regions
Objections and comments
Can the participation formats be changed in the course of the process?
The search for a repository site has been created as a “self-questioning and learning process”. Those involved in the site selection procedure – BASE, the federal company for radioactive waste disposal (BGE) mbH and the Office of the National Citizens' Oversight Committee – are required in line with Section 5 of the Site Selection Act to regularly check the existing participation formats and continue to develop and adapt them, if necessary.
Support with scientific expertise
The necessary financial support will be made available to the public for the process from the end of phase one so that discussions can take place independently and scientifically. This specifically means that if the implementer for the search for a repository site, BGE mbH, suggests site regions for above-ground exploration, the regional conferences will have a business office and their own budget to commission scientific expertise.