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Involving young people

Humans and the environment must be permanently protected from the dangerous radiation of high-level radioactive waste. Both the risk and the corresponding time span are difficult to imagine. The issue particularly concerns those who are young today. But how can young people learn about and participate in the search for a repository?

Eine junge Frau spricht in ein Mikrofon

Humans and the environment must be permanently protected from the dangerous radiation of high-level radioactive waste. Both the risk and the corresponding time span are difficult to imagine. The issue particularly concerns those who are young today.

How safe is a repository deep underground? Where is the high-level radioactive waste currently located? Who will pay for final storage? And how can I interest my friends in the search for a repository?

BASE provides young people with answers to their questions about the search for a repository, both online and offline. And it offers opportunities to participate and have a say in the site selection procedure.

Current offers from BASE


App repository search:360°

The animated world of experience of this free app offers an all-round view of decisive aspects of the repository search, and makes it possible to explore selected topics in depth. Download now from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Business game

"Citizens' dialogue Mitthausen" - a simulation game for participation in the search for a repository

By playing the simulation game, pupils from grade 9 onwards can get involved in the topic in a playful manner: they take on the roles of citizens or stakeholders and test different forms of public participation.

Try now! (in German only)


An overview

of all dates and events organised by BASE on the topics of repository search and participation can be found in the News section.

Multipliers such as young people's interest groups are also welcome to present BASE with their questions and ideas on participation and the search for a repository.

Civil society actors: "Council of the Young Generation “

Through events organised by BASE and BGE mbH, and in the context of the expert conference on sub-areas, a group of young generations has formed that wants to be involved in the further procedure. The "Council of the Young Generation (Rat der jungen Generation (RdjG)" accompanies the repository search independent of BASE. BASE and RdjG will cooperate for individual projects or on certain occasions.

Review: Events and workshops

In recent years, BASE and representatives of the young generations have worked together on topics, such as the repository search and the participation of young people, in very different formats and events.

Young generation workshops 2022

Young Generation Workshop 2021

Series of events: Having a say in the search for a repository

"Mitreden bei der Endlagersuche" (having a say in the repository search prodecure) was a joint series of events organised by BASE and BGE mbH. On three dates in May 2021, a total of almost 100 young people aged 16 to 30 discussed the basics of the repository search and public participation. The series was preceded by a stakeholder workshop: In March 2021, young people talked with BASE and BGE mbH about the information and participation needs of young generations.

Previous events