The Sub-areas Interim Report – an initial progress report
BGE mbH published its first progress statement

The Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Repository (BGE mbH) published its first progress statement through the Sub-areas Interim Report on 28 September 2020. It names those areas in Germany that should be eliminated from the process after applying the exclusion criteria, because they are not suitable for disposing of high-level radioactive waste. It also names the regions that are expected to have favourable geological conditions after applying the minimum requirements and the geoscientific consideration criteria (so-called Sub-areas) and should therefore continue to be considered for the time being.
The interim report does not represent a final decision about which areas should continue to be explored. This will not happen until the German parliament makes its decision at the end of the first phase of the search procedure.
An English summary of the interim report can be found here.
You will find detailed information on the interim report on select areas and an interactive map with all the select areas at the BGE mbH website.